Kelly Flowers


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2 TED Talks for Writerly Types

This one is great for creating dialogue. (I also love when videos have kitchsy cartoons)

And, regardless of how you feel about Eat, Pray, Love (because there are two very adamant schools of thought about it) Elizabeth Gilbert wrote Big Magic which is a great book for creatives and creative-wannabes. And this is good.


Writer’s Block – How Not To Write

There are a few things I can be relied upon as a trusted, credible source.  writers-block

  1. Donuts (as previously stated)
  2. Game of Thrones
  3. The proper consistency of bacon


  1. Writers block

The only way to offer advice on writer’s block is to have suffered. And I HAVE suffered. Here is what works for me…

  1. Fake It – Just start typing.

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